Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Looking Forward to Summer?

Part of me is really looking forward to spending the summer in the pool with the boys, camping, watching Buddy race, and possibly going to some special places this summer.

I just hope the boys stay busy, but out of trouble, and they stay safe!

But part of me is dreading this summer because it is going to be longer than normal for my kids and I hope they won't get bored, but most importantly I hope they will not regress in their learning skills. I really need to think hard to figure out some fun ways to continue their learning skills through the summer in a fun way! It is really most important for Buddy because he has a learning disability and he has memory issues. Picasso, I don't think will have any problems, he loves to read and write and draw. If anyone has any suggestions of what they do with their children during summer break so that their learning skills don't regress I would certainly be glad to hear some suggestions.

( ALthough I am not sure anyone but me reads my blog because there are never any comments.)


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