Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Frugal Grocery Shopping

I missed works for me wednesday last week, the holiday threw me off a bit. But here is this weeks addition:

As I am sure many of you out there are also, we live on a very tight budget. So when I go grocery shopping I usually have a dollar amount that I can't exceed. What helps me stick to this amount are two things.

1. When making my list I write down the basic nescessities first, then I write down items that are on sale that we use, and last I put down items that we can live without but if there is enough money after the necessities I can buy.

2. So how do I know wether or not I am getting close to exceeding my alloted amount? I keep tally marks on the side of my grocery list. If something costs $1.49 I put two tally marks. As I shop and put down tally marks I count the tally frequently to make sure I am not exceeding my amount.

I hope this tip helps others stick to a budget! It works for me and I am always surprised at how much I can really buy for the alloted amount!


Blogger Unknown said...

What a fun site I just found off of DYM's! And especially since I'm having a boy any day now, it's always enlightening to glimpse into the world of testosterone. :-)

8:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I love your idea. I budget and do the same thing with grocery money. Love it, love it.

Also- thanks for stopping by my blog. I subscribed to your feed via bloglines, so I will start checking out your blog now!

8:56 AM  
Blogger momof3busyboys said...

Amber- Good luck with your new little boy! Boys are definately fun to have!Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting!

Kristina P.-Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting! Thanks for subscribing to my blog also!

9:07 AM  
Blogger TheNormalMiddle said...

I used to take a calculator with me to the store (I'm on a very rigid budget too) but with three little ones now it is impossible to keep up with the calculator too. I've just been mentally keeping up, rounding to the nearest dollar. Now I can do tally marks! :)

9:35 AM  
Blogger Amy said...

Great tip! I love the tally mark concept- thank you for sharing!

10:04 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oooh, great idea. There are times that I have tried to keep track in my head, but you know, I get all messed up. I like your essentials, sale, extra thing, too.

I just read that Stop N Shop (a chain here in CT) is going to have a shopping cart where you can scan as you go. How cool is that??

12:48 PM  
Blogger Heth said...

So would "treats for mom" go in nescessities? I think yes. :)

12:53 PM  
Blogger Overwhelmed! said...

I so need to get better of budgeting for grocery shopping! We spend way too much money at times. Thanks for the tips!

2:59 PM  
Blogger Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

Great idea!

3:42 PM  
Blogger PastormacsAnn said...

Tally marks! Too smart. I'm always just trying to add up in my head and too often I lose track before I'm done shopping! Tally marks!

3:56 PM  
Blogger Joy @ SAH Missionary said...

That's a great idea!!

5:13 PM  
Blogger owlhaven said...

Great idea! Thanks for stopping by!

Mary, mom to many

11:42 PM  

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