Sunday, September 10, 2006

Mary Jane Booth-September 11 Victim-Remembered

Although I haven't been able to find out much about "M. J." as her friends so endearingly called her, I can't help but wish I had known her. From the posts written about her by friends and colleagues on other tribute websites she sounds like she was a wonderful friend and person who had a zest for life and enjoyed sharing that zest with everyone she came into contact with.
After reading that she dressed up at the American Airlines annual Holiday Party and went by the name Mrs. Claus, I can picture her wearing a red dress, with a white apron, and a white bonnet upon her blondish pepper grey hair. She worked for American Airlines for 45 years. She wasn't a pilot or a flight attendent, she was one of those behind the scenes people that you often don't hear about. She was the secretary to American's General Manager at Dulles International Airport for more than 30 years and was a passenger on American flight 77 on her way to Las Vegas for a work related meeting.
Some personal aspects I learned about Mary Jane is that she enjoyed listening to country music and Celine Deion. She had a sense of humor and enjoyed jokes. Every comment I have read has mentioned her smile. The one picture I came across of her(above), she has a beautiful smile on her face. Her smile can be seen in her eyes and when I saw this picture I couldn't help but smile a little, her smile is infectious. I truly wish I was blessed to have known her when she was with us on earth, but now that I have found out the little I have about her, I can't help but feel I have a special new angel friend smiling down from heaven on me.
God bless Mary Jane Booth, her friends, her family, and all of those people whose lives she touched from day to day. She is missed by all who knew her and loved her, and even by those of us who didn't know her but wished we had. I will never forget her.


Blogger Alicia said...

Thank you. Sigh....

Tribute to Christopher Paul Slattery

12:56 AM  
Blogger Janelle said...

Thanks for writing such a nice tribute, I wish I could read them all.

10:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a great tribute...thanks

7:44 PM  

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